教育背景 |
博士, 应用化学(高分子材料方向), 大阪大学,2011-2014 硕士, 纺织工程, 东华大学,2008-2010 本科, 纺织工程, 青岛大学,2004-2008 |
工作经历 |
讲师,纺织工程系,东华大学,2015.04-至今 博士后,纺织工程,东华大学, 2015.05-2017.10 助理研究员,应用化学, 大阪大学,2010.10-2011.03 |
研究方向 |
1.基于相分离技术的聚合物等级孔整体材料的可控制备及应用研究 2.废旧纺织品的回收再利用技术开发 3.功能纺织品的开发 |
科研项目 |
1. 中国博士后科学基金,2016M601474,一步法构筑染料分解用纤维素多孔整体材料及其应用研究,2016/11-2017/10,5万元,结题,主持 2. 中国自然科学基金面上项目,51776037,纤维/气流双向耦合作用下的熔喷微纳米纤维结构演变机制,2018/01-2021/02,60万元,在研,参与 3. 中央高校自由探索项目,光催化剂载体用纤维素多孔整体材料的可控制备与成形机理研究, 2016/01-2018/12,10万元,在研,主持 4. 纺织生物医用材料科学与技术创新引智基地项目(111项目),可降解等级孔材料的制备及其在组织工架的应用研究,2017/01-2017/12,2万元,结题,主持 5. 生态纺织教育部重点实验室基地建设项目,基于废弃棉纺织品纤维素的新型整体柱的制备及应用,2015/04-2015/12,2万元,结题,主持 6. 东华大学青年教师启动资助项目,相分离技术制备聚合物整体柱的机理研究及其在废旧纺织品的应用,2015/04-2016/12,5万元,结题,主持 |
代表论文 |
1. Xiaoxia Sun, etc. One pot route towards active TiO2 doped hierarchically porous cellulose: highly efficient photocatalysts for methylene blue degradation. Materials, 2017, 10, 373. (工程2区期刊) 2. Xiaoxia Sun*, etc. Morphology modeling for polymer monolith obtained by non-solvent-induced phase separation. Polymer, 2017, 108, 432-441. (工程2区期刊) 3. Xiaoxia Sun, etc. Hierarchically porous cellulose monolith prepared by combination of ice-template method and non-solvent-induced phase separation method. Chemistry Letters, 2017, 46, 792. (工程4区期刊) 4.Xiaoxia Sun, etc. Functionalized acetoacetylated poly(vinyl alcohol) monoliths for enzyme immobilization: a phase separation method. Colloid and Polymer Science, 2017, 295, 1827. (工程3区期刊) 5. Xiaoxia Sun, etc. In situ mineralization of hydroxyapatite on poly(viny alcohol) monolithic scaffolds for tissue engineering.Colloid and Polymer Science, 2014, 292, 1073. (工程3区期刊) 6.Xiaoxia Sun, etc. A poly(vinyl alcohol)/sodium alginate blend monolith with nanoscale porous structure. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2013, 8, 411. (工程2区期刊) 7. Xiaoxia Sun, etc. Fabrication of a PVA monolith via thermally impacted non-solvent induced phase separation. Polymer Journal, 2013, 45, 1101. (工程3区期刊) 8. Guangwu Sun, Xinhou Wang, Jiaqi Zhou andXiaoxia Sun*. A novel method for measuring in-plane liquid dynamic transport in fabric. Textile Research Journal, 2016, 86, 227-234.(工程3区期刊) 9. Guangwu Sun,Xiaoxia Sun and Xinhou Wang. Study on uniformity of a melt-blown fibrous web based on an image analysis technique.e-Polymers, 2017, 17, 211-2214.(工程4区期刊) 10. Guangwu Sun, Jingru Yang, Xiaoxia Sun and Xinhou Wang. Simulation and modeling of microfibrous web formation in melt blowing. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2016, 55, 5431-5437.(工程2区期刊) 11. Wanli Han, Sheng Xie, Xiaoxia Sun, Xinhou Wang and Zhiyong Yan. Optimization of airflow field via solution blowing for chitosan/PEO nanofiber formation. Fibers and Polymers, 2017, 18, 1554-1560.(工程4区期刊) |
专利专著 |
1. 孙晓霞,王新厚,一种乙酰化聚乙烯醇整体柱的制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号201610298055.4 2. 王新厚,乔娟,孙晓霞,一种三维多孔吸油材料的制备方法,国家发明专利,申请号201611007945.1 3. 王新厚,王坤鹏,孙晓霞,一种染料分解材料及其制备和应用,国家发明专利,申请号201611008742.4 |